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Black Washed Wall

The Problem

 Times are tight. Inflation is still a thing and people aren’t feeling particularly flush right now. But, while that might stop us splashing out on new, big ticket items, we still want nice things.

The ask

Come up with an Out Of Home campaign that gets budget-conscious Gen Z and Millenials who want nice things for their space to think of Apt Deco as the first place to look.

The Insight

Consumers are missing unique ways to buy affordable but quality furniture.

ThE idea

“Everything must go”

Aptdeco creates an “Estate sale tour.” Partnering with hip hop artist and creator of the album “Estate Sale” Tyler the Creator. We will do an ooh campaign taking consumers through physical estate sales where Tyler will perform a small concert of his album while also creating pop-ups of virtual estate sales with amazing and affordable furniture you can only get through AptDeco.


Virtual estate sales 

These Virtual estate sales will be pop-ups for consumers who can't make the physical ones. They can buy quality and affordable furniture from different physical estate sales. 

© 2024 by Andre Harrell. 

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